December 09, 2004
Cheddar X-Mas
1. What do you like most about Christmas?
These days, I like having time off work, getting to sleep in, overeat and read all the books that have been piling up on my bookshelf.
2. How have your Christmas perceptions changed over time?
I have gradually lowered my expectations, so now if I can catch up on sleep and see family members I'm happy. I no longer expect gifts of clothing to fit, etc.
3. Is it truly better to give than to receive?
That depends on whether you think you've found the "perfect gift" for someone, but it's definitely true if they really like what you gave them.
4. What's your all time favorite Christmas present?
Last year, I got a wonderful belated Christmas present -- Archi-Sapper came home from Iraq for 15 days of R&R.
5. What gift are you most proud of giving to someone else?
The Playmobil castle I bought Archi-Sapper last year was pretty cool -- I can't really think of any grand gifts I've bestowed.
Posted by Kitty at December 9, 2004 02:42 PM
Py, I'm getting you lots of love and affection. :)
Posted by: Jennifer at December 10, 2004 08:27 AM
and what are you getting me for chrismas?!!?
Posted by: pylorns at December 9, 2004 04:08 PM