January 12, 2007
The Waiting Game
Apparently this week is de-lurking week, so if you've been lurking on this blog, feel free to unburden yourself.
Today I had my follow-up appointment for my kidney stone. People keep asking me if I passed it, and the honest answer is that I don't know. I know I'm not in pain any more, so I'm quite happy about that, but since I don't have any.....um.....evidence that I passed it, I can't be sure that I did. The very pleasant physician's assistant confirmed that today and scheduled me for a follow-up CT scan on Friday, so I guess I'll know more then.
The funniest thing about my appointment today was the waiting room. While I was sitting there, I looked around at the clientele. Every filled seat held a man who was over the age of 50, wearing loose fitting pants and was hunched over the armrest, telling his seat mate some war story. And then there was me, my book and my Treo. I can usually blend in in most places but this wasn't my usual crowd. Just when I was wondering if I could pass muster with the Urology crowd, I looked up and saw none other than Sheriff Harry Lee. Every time he comes on t.v., Archi-Sapper cracks me up by imitating this incredibly cheesy commercial that the local movie theater used to play that starred Harry. So when Harry walked in and looked straight at me, it was all I could do not to start cracking up. I felt like a kid in church who can't stop laughing.
I think it's official. I know I've become a boring parent when the funniest part of my week is in the waiting room of the local Urology department.
Posted by Kitty at January 12, 2007 10:07 PM